Are you an overwhelmed parent who lacks confidence in your body? 
Have you spent years taking care of everyone other than yourself?
Are you ready to finally make time to focus on your health and happiness? 

If this is you, now is your chance to meet with one of our High Performing Fitness Coaches who will help you develop and maintain a consistent exercise routine and lifestyle that is guaranteed to help you achieve any health and fitness goal.
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What People are Saying

"I’ve been working with Brady and Fearless Fitness on and off for four years. When I started I was very overweight, had chronic inflammation, back, hip and foot pain, poor balance, and no motivation..

They helped me learn good habits, the importance of good form and posture and daily stretching. Everyone really listened to my needs.

After a few years and a broken ankle it really sank in. I finally started doing what they had been telling me all along. Fitness had always been about weight loss before and I was able to make a mental shift that it was about health, both mental and physical.
I began to stretch daily, move daily, and eat real food. I started doing what the coaches had trained me to do and the weight began to come off, my balance increased, and my mental health got better. I felt great!

I made a commitment to start working with their entire team several times a week and my strength increased. The most amazing part has been that with working on my posture with Brady, my pain is 100% gone.

I turned 50 this year and I feel better than I have in 25 years! My health has improved, my weight is healthy and my strength and endurance are improving. I have made some amazing and motivational friends in this journey and I recommend Fearless Fitness to anyone at any point in their journey!"

- Marcella
“In June of 2023 I walked into Grizzly Family Fitness for the first time to meet with Fearless Fitness, I was greeted by the very most remarkable man I have ever met!

Brady Dale talked to me about goals, listened to my questions and dreams, and introduced me to his remarkable P4P program. We have focused on consistent, daily work to overcome a lifetime of literally trying to be the invisible girl… and all the wrong posture woes that gave me!

Despite a number of family issues that led to my absence from the state for several months, I’m back on schedule, I’m again seeing gains in strength, loss of weight, and surprisingly (astonishingly) big changes in flexibility.

I came in a year ago hoping to get stronger and run some races. But now I’m learning more about proper form for my exercises and that good recovery is also very necessary to reaching my goals! I am even seeing a bit of self-confidence starting to sprout.

My most surprising lesson though is how one’s entire being is involved...not just this muscle or that exercise or some list of dos and don’ts but also one’s heart, mind and spirit.

The idea and basis of Fearless Fitness seems to me to be ‘love over fear’. When there is a dearth of love or affection and one becomes invisible from birth - that void is filled by fear. I never really got hold of what to do to dismiss the fear but somehow my work with Brady is making it a reality.

To Brady… Thank you for NEVER giving up on me...this whole thing is unique in my life and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to thank you enough! “

- Susan
“In 2017, I started working out with Brady. I instantly thrived with him and lost just over 70 pounds in about a year and a half. I felt unstoppable and soon completed my first ultramarathon. In a perfect world this is where my story would’ve ended, with me running into the sunset and living happily and healthily ever after. But life isn’t a fitness fairytale. It’s messy and complicated. After several stressful life events I found myself just shy of my heaviest weight. I was exhausted all the time and could barely walk a mile let alone run even a 5k. It was depressing and embarrassing. I wanted to throw in the towel because why even try at that point.

Brady NEVER gave up on me!

He never judged me or made me feel like I was a failure. He met me where I was at with compassion & understanding. He continued to treat me like the strong, fit person I once was and continues to encourage and guide me every step of the way. My story isn’t over yet, nor will it ever be. Everyday I continue to do the very best I can for myself and sometimes that means showing up for workouts even though I’d rather stay in bed. Brady changed my life and I’m forever grateful for him and Fearless Fitness. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me as I continue to learn and thrive with Fearless Fitness.”

- Amanda
“This year I committed to continuing private sessions with Brady through my seasonal work in an effort to alleviate my typical pains and problems that I’ve always associated with my 12-16 hour days of physical work. Each summer, my body has given me a shorter window of tolerable hours before I’m just pushing through each day. I love my work and it was important for me to make a change.

Where I’m typically at at this point in my season, is about 60%. Not sleeping well, stiff and exhausted from the start of most days, and never knowing how many hours I’ll get out of my body. This season, I’m running at 100% most days, making myself slow my pace, not because of pain, but reminding myself that intentional, smart movements and lifts keep me feeling this good!

I know that I would never have achieved the level of fitness and wellness I have, if not for the personal attention given in my training sessions. Brady is always very encouraging and has a vast knowledge of his profession. His passion for what he does is so evident during our sessions, and his consistent drive to further his knowledge through additional training, certifications, and surrounding himself with like minded professionals. I’m continually grateful for Brady’s knowledge, guidance and patience.”

- Janelle
“We will not achieve big goals on our own. It takes a dedicated team and support system no matter the length of time we set to achieve it. My initial goal was to be in the gym learning to lift weights correctly and be consistent. This is where I met Brady Dale with Fearless Fitness.

He was all of 19 years old dealing with a menopausal woman at 55. Brady was so mature for his age and advanced in the training and coaching programs I went through. I had him for two 1-on-1 sessions a week and three group sessions. He had a way to make you want to be better and never give up. I made friends in the group sessions who drove my commitment and provided accountability as well.

Brady has continuously and fiercely educated himself and his clients, so I have never left his coaching and mentoring. I love the fact that he is so detailed with workouts. He will always let you know if you have any problems with your form whether lifting to stretching. It makes a huge difference.

Brady also makes sure his staff is properly trained to his standards. I’ve worked with Delaney the last couple years and have enjoyed her variety of workouts immensely. Entrusting my health and fitness to Fearless Fitness over the past decade has been a true blessing for both my family and myself. With six kids and thirteen grand-babies, investing in my well-being has undoubtedly been worthwhile.”

- Carla
Fearless Fitness Personal Training
Here is what you can expect by training with our amazing team!
  • ​A JUDGMENT FREE community of men and women who just want to be Strong and Healthy!
  • Programs and Sessions for ALL AGES, we customize your workouts for you!
  • ​A highly educated team of coaches that NEVER give up on you.
  • ​An environment where you can feel safe and confident on your journey.
"A pain free, active lifestyle is not only possible, but it is the way you should expect to feel and live, no matter your age, no matter your previous experience." - Pete Egoscue
Schedule your Success Session with one of our incredible Fitness Coaches!
With multiple different trainers to choose from, there are many different time slots available to new members. However, we keep our groups very small to ensure our client's get the attention they deserve. So hurry up and schedule your FREE consultation today!

Our "Fearless" Leader

Brady Dale - Owner/Operator

It is my life's purpose to impact, influence and save as many lives as possible. In December 2011, I was 17 years old and weighed 295 pounds. I was overweight my entire life, but this was a new low for me. I hated myself so much that I even contemplated taking my own life. I was so afraid of judgement, ridicule, and change that I believed everything would just be better if I was gone.

I’m not sure exactly what came over me that winter, but somewhere deep within my soul, I knew that God, life, or destiny had other plans for me. I decided that enough was enough. On October 26th, 2012 I lost over 100 pounds and became a certified personal trainer.

Since then, I have dedicated my life to helping other people “Live a life worth telling a story about” as coach Todd Durkin would say. Fitness saved my life and I know that through coaching I can save countless more.

I believe that FEAR is the number one reason we do not chase our dreams and reach our goals. I started Fearless Fitness in 2018 to create a community where people can go to change their lives in a safe, judgement free, positive and inspirational environment. 

Meet Our Team Members


“I am grateful to be a part of Fearless Fitness. It is a pleasure to work alongside such wonderful Alaskans.I’ve been involved in the personal training industry since I was a child. Growing up my mother was a personal trainer, she is now going on her 20th year. My father later became a personal trainer as well. I saw how much they cared and worked to improve the lives of others, so much so it made a deep impact on my mentality and work ethic. I have always aspired to help others become stronger and healthier.

Growing up with two older brothers and a 4 and 6 year age gap between us made me competitive from the jump. I’ve always aimed to be the best at what I do and help others do the same along their journey.

I’ve been involved in sports since I was able to walk. I played football, basketball, baseball, soccer and also competed in track & field.
I graduated from Colony High school as First Team All State and rookie of the year in my first year of high school football (12th grade).
Fitness and athleticism is my life.

My goal is to enrich lives through fitness while continually achieving excellence. I began my personal training journey at 17 years old. I’ve trained in arts such as the Russian Kettlebell, Primitive Movements and Brazilian Jiujitsu, practicing knowledge I’ve accumulated from cultures & sports across the globe.
It is my mission to return this knowledge to humanity and improve the lives of others.”


Do not miss out on the opportunity to have your very own Personal Trainer!

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